In our Creo kindergarten, we create conditions for the comprehensive development of a child in a warm and homelike atmosphere.
The kindergarten is guided by the Reggio Emilia approach, based on the principles of independence, respect, responsibility, participation in public life, learning and discovering the world in a child-friendly and supportive environment. The main principle of the Reggio Emilia approach is openness to changes and conceptual transformations in the structure of the kindergarten. New ideas and suggestions are born during the everyday experiences of teachers, children and their parents. By undertaking new challenges, we together learn the courage to follow the inborn curiosity and openness of children, which, in turn, allows us to rediscover the beauty of the world around us.
A key element of the Reggio Emilia approach, which sometimes is called “pedagogy as a project”, is the intensive dialogue between adults (teachers and parents) and children, and thus – initiating new ideas and gaining experience. Teachers are open to new knowledge, experiments and changes, always taking children’s wellbeing as the most important thing. This approach supports building children’s self-esteem, so that they can meet the challenges of the modern world.
We also use elements of the Dalton Plan, an educational concept, during the organizational and work planning process, which involves activities by doing, searching for solutions, exploring the world and making conclusions. This concept enables children to shape attitudes of responsibility and independence, develop cooperation and management skills from an early age. Both concepts complement each other, creating a solid foundation for our children to consciously create their own future.
Children raised on the basis of the Reggio Emilia approach, surrounded by some of the Dalton Plan educational instruments, think independently, dream, play, make their own reflections and learn about social behaviors. They solve problems and learn how to be a team player through project-based activities. Children are encouraged to use different means of expression to represent their own perception of the world, including drawing, painting, sculpting, writing, movement, music, etc.
A way of discovering the world
“A child has a hundred languages” with the help of which he can convey his feelings. However, in order to turn a sensible observation into a language, a child needs tools and cultural products, i.e. drama, art, music and broad understanding of visual creation. Thanks to these elements of culture a child can freely develop his own means of expression and way of discovering the surrounding reality, and the environment can be experienced in many different ways.
Nonviolent Communication (NVC)
Our communication is based on the model developed by Marshall Rosenberg. The assumption of NVC is to completely eliminate or at least limit the possibility of psychological violence in dialogue. Using NVC, we teach how to communicate without moral judgment. We refer to behaviors, we use the language of feelings and needs instead of the language of assessments and labeling. We respect the needs of everyone, trying to find the best way to meet them. Through the NVC model, we develop empathy, talk about what is difficult and learn to name our own emotions, treating them as an important message. The basis for Nonviolent Communication is the total rejection of penalties and rewards for the sake of a feedback.
Tolerance and openness
In our community, we accept and respect different views, interests and needs. We actively listen and encourage children to express their opinion. We take mistakes as a natural element of the learning process. We help children form attitudes of empathy, sensitivity and openness to other people, setting a good example, showing different cultures and diversity in various aspects of life.
The teacher is an observer and listener, following the needs and interests of children. He is a partner and helper during problem-solving process. The teacher showing his own attitude of the world explorer encourages the child to autonomous development, arouses his curiosity about the world. Asking questions, he encourages children to formulate their own hypotheses, theories and discover new concepts.
Environment and proximity to nature
In the Reggio approach, the environment is the third teacher that stimulates the cognitive process, and thus – thinking. A game with the use of simple materials such as soil, wood, stones, plant elements activates the creativity of a child by using them, provokes the construction of their own tools and toys, and, above all, stimulates the imagination. We adhere to the principle: there is no bad weather, there are only inappropriate clothes, according to which most projects are carried out outside. By doing that, we want to instill in children and parents the need to spend time outdoors, the respect and love for nature, for our planet and all its inhabitants. During everyday activities, we make children aware of the principles of waste segregation, ecological use of energy, saving water and using reusable products. In the future, we are planning to have some small animals (e.g. fish, turtles) in our facility.
Since the role of parents in children’s development is indisputable, they are equal creators of our community. We want them to have a sense of security and freedom in articulating their needs and development proposals for children. During the year, we anticipate two individual meetings with parents, during which we will consult the child’s development plan, and together we will focus on the ways to support his development.
Learning through projects
Topics of our projects arise from conversations, observations, and children’s experiences. Both a child and an adult can start a new project of any topic. The role of an adult in the project is limited to accompanying the conversation, observing, proposing further impulses to learn. Projects can be both short-term (weekly) and long-term (monthly, several months or yearly). Implementation of different projects allows children to acquire a variety of skills and abilities, among others: reading, writing, counting, but also setting goals, organizational and cooperation skills.
Healthy catering
Proper nutrition is the basis of physical and mental health, which is why we cultivate healthy eating habits among our children. We give up sweets in favor of fresh and dried fruits, natural products, honey and non-GMO products. Healthy and nutritious meals will be provided by a carefully selected catering provider.
We implement a bilingual program. It is a natural and original way of acquiring a foreign language through the language immersion of the child and daily need for communication. One of the teachers talks to children in Polish, the other – in English. The indisputable advantages of children’s bilingualism are, among others development of linguistic, communication and cognitive skills, better assimilation of information, openness to diversity.
Weekly journeys, small and large
Systematic trips on foot, by bike or by using public transport – these are places where the principles of safe movement, learning sensitivity to the needs of the weaker and responsibility for ourselves and the group make sense. We will visit more than once cultural institutions, participate in events organized by the city, visit nature gardens, cinemas, theaters and museums.
– ecological program
We want to instill in our children respect and love for nature, for our planet and animals. During everyday activities, we become aware of the principles of waste segregation, ecological use of energy, saving water and using reusable products.
– 7 habits of a happy child
Together with the heroes of the Land of Seven Oaks, through simple stories from their lives, we will explore the secrets of important habits helping children to plan their time for learning and rest wisely, be good friends, cope with conflict situations, not giving in to group pressure.
– World of emotions
Emotions in everyday life accompany both adults and children. There are neither good nor bad emotions – they just are. The world of child’s emotions is characterized by spontaneity, expression, enhanced by the power of expression. Through education supporting identification, allowing them to feel the emotion and acceptance, we help children deal with it, thereby supporting the creation of emotional intelligence as one of the key competences of the future.
– Multicultural world
A project of intercultural education, involving the introduction of children to different countries and cultures, involving all senses during the project. Thanks to the workshops, the child identifies the values of his own culture, becomes more open-minded, shapes tolerance and respect for diversity. The project is an introduction to global education, which is continued at Creo primary school.
– Kindergarten for children’s rights
Children should be aware of their rights from an early age. Through workshops about children’s rights, we equip children with such skills as: listening to others, principles of good communication, expressing their beliefs, principles of cooperation, attempts to solve problems and conflicts, showing responsibility, distinguishing between good and evil. These skills will help children in the future, among others in understanding and analyzing the world around them, awaring their human rights, realizing that human rights are a way to improve their own lives and the lives of other people.
Children’s rights:
The right to joy.
The right to express his/her thoughts and feelings.
The right to respect.
The right to learn by play.
The right to fail and tears.
The right to property.
The right to be himself or herself.
The right not to know.
The right to fall.
The right to have secrets.