The kindergarten accepts children to the group aged 3 to 6 years old and in exceptional cases can accept a child aged 2.5. The admission condition is the child’s basic communication skills, it is recommended not to use diapers.

The kindergarten is open from 07:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. It operates 12 months a year, excluding public holidays and days listed in the contract for the provision of educational services.

The kindergarten integrates children of different ages, thanks to which younger children learn from older ones, and older children learn to help and empathize with the younger children. The curriculum is adapted to the capabilities of children.

The kindergarten recruits throughout the year depending on the number of free places.

The kindergarten is located on the ground floor of a beautiful villa building with its own garden, where children spend a lot of time and go out into the fresh air regardless of the weather.

We promote healthy eating and we prefer fruit instead of sweets during the ceremonial meals.


7:00 8:00 Morning meeting, playing games in the corners of interest, individual work or work in small groups
8:00 8:15 Welcome circle, morning gymnastics
8:15 8:30 Preparation for breakfast, cleaning, hygiene procedures
8:30 9:00 Breakfast. Forming of aesthetic, cultural and self-catering habits during the breakfast.
9:00 10:00 Didactic and educational classes, additional classes
10:00 10:15 Preparation for a walk
10:15 11:45 Going out for a walk: fun activity in the fresh air, observation of nature, exercise and sport activities
11:45 12:00 Preparation for the first lunch (soup), cleaning, hygiene procedures
12:00 12:30 The first lunch I (soup). Forming of aesthetic, cultural and self-catering habits during the first lunch
12.30 13.45 Classes in silence: relaxing music, reading or listening to fairy tales, relaxation, building block games
13:45 14:00 Preparation for the second lunch, cleaning, hygiene procedures.
14:00 14:30 The second lunch. Forming of aesthetic, cultural and self-catering habits during the second lunch.
14:30 15:00 Outdoor activities or additional classes.
15:00 15:30 Games in accordance with the initiative of children in thematic corners, integration, art, and construction games
15:30 16:00 Afternoon tea/snack/fruits
16:00 17:30 Waiting for parents, integration, art and construction games.